Thursday, 20 April 2017

Revealed!! 7 Body Parts You’ve NOT Been Cleaning Properly

Revealed!! 7 Body Parts You’ve NOT Been Cleaning Properly

Most people believe that having their bath every day is enough to make their body clean but did you know if you fail to clean some part of your body then your body is not clean. Most times, people tend to clean their body but fail to clean their heels or elbows which will turn dry and dark with time.

Here are some parts of your body, you have to clean well anytime you bath because your bath is totally incomplete without cleaning these body parts.

Your elbows: “Have you looked closely at your arms — don’t your elbows look darker and drier? it is because you often tend to not clean it properly”. Your elbow looks dark all because of the dead skin cells that have built up and it can be removed by exfoliation. Use lemon juice to lighten your dark elbows and if you exfoliate, remember to soften your elbows skin with a moisturiser.

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Your heels: You should clean your heels every day for smooth and soft heels and to also prevent cracked heels because one of the causes of cracked heels is improper foot care. So while bathing, soak your feet in warm water before scrubbing it with a foot scrub after 2-3 minutes and wash your feet with water, do this daily for a clean and smooth heel.

Your neck: “You might be cleaning the neck but not the back of the neck, especially at its base, that’s the reason why your neck looks darker compared to the rest of the body so while your neck is exposed to the environmental pollutants and chemicals all day long with sweat, it goes without saying that you need clean it properly every day”. To clean your neck, apply soap on the front and back of the neck (including its base) then move your hands from bottom to the top of the neck and vice-versa in order to remove dirt and use your loofah (sponge) to clean your neck properly to exfoliate dead skin cells.

Your ears: “You might clean ear wax once a month but do you ever clean your ears while bathing? Yes, you need to clean your ears with soap and water every day to remove dirt and prevent wax build-up, cleaning your ear regularly lowers your risk of ear infections”. “While bathing, tilt your head to the right and splash some water gently in the right ear to clean it, do same with your left ear then remove excess water with a cotton bud or a dry towel”.

Your knees: Ever wondered why your knees are darker than your thighs or legs?it is because you don’t clean it well and lack of exfoliation so they tend to accumulate dirt and sweat all because they are least attended to and this will increase your risk of infection. All you need to do is to scrub your knees with soap and sponge while bathing and moisturise after to soften your skin.

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Your private parts: This is the most important part of your body that you need to take proper care of every day, clean your vag!na and p3nis regularly. A woman should clean her vag!na from front to back and not the other way round to avoid infections and avoid using harsh soaps to wash your vag!na use water instead and guys have to clean their p3nis regularly to avoid infections too.

Your back: Most people ignore their back because it is difficult for the hand to get there but be sure you scrub your back properly to get rid of dirt and sweat that can lead to back acne.

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