Monday 17 April 2017

Man sets his 3-year-old daughter on fire, his reason will leave you with dropped jaws

Edward Herbert, a 43-year-old father, sets one of his children on fire while dousing another, a 7-year-old, in petrol. Herbert claimed he did what he did because the younger child was too beautiful.

Herbert, the 43-year-old father who set his daughter on fire because she was too beautiful.
Herbert had poured petrol on his three-year-old in front of his partner and set her on fire. He proceeded to pour the flammable liquid on the 7-year-old child who was autistic. He had spent the day taking booze and smoking joints at his home in Perth, Australia before carrying out these terrible acts.

Herbert was said to have told his partner that he was going to kill her. After that, he got a gallon of fuel and entered his daughters' room.

The 43-year-old man poured the fuel on his younger child and lit the fire. He did not set the second one on fire even though he tipped the petrol on her.

Stephanie Bochorsky, a constable heard the commotion from her home. She was off-duty and was watching the TV when she heard the argument between Herbert and his partner. Borchorsky asked the woman if she was okay and was terrified with the response she got.

"No, he's setting the kids on fire!"

The partner later stated in court that he was getting angry all the time and increased the joints he was smoking before the ugly incident. She revealed that he was on it all day and got aggressive in the evening. The sad lady said she tried calming him down but he became angrier and she was scared to death.

The constable ran into the house and perceived petrol truly. She stated the head of the younger child was on fire. The officer covered the girl in a blanket to put out the flames. She ordered him to get away but he did not.

"Her whole head was on fire, my main concern was to get the flames extinguished." She dragged the older girl out of the bed and ran out of the house.

The 3-year-old had thirteen percent burns on her body. She has been permanently scarred from the life-threatening injuries she had from the incident.

Amanda Forrester, the prosecutor, said Herbert was a cannabis user and drinker who had acted strangely before the incident.

The partner said when she saw her burnt child, the girl was in shock and was screaming and crying. The woman said she could 'smell burning flesh'.

It was also gathered that when a neighbor rushed in there with a fire extinguisher after the girls had been saved, he saw Herbert drinking beer in the kitchen.

The neighbor who wrote in his statement that he confronted him said he was not remorse. Herbert told him 'they're my kids to do whatever the f*** I want.' He also told the neighbor he burnt the child because she was too beautiful.

He tried attacking the neighbor with a knife before he was hit on the head by a fire extinguisher. Herbert is still being tried in court.


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