Monday 17 April 2017

Islamic Sheikh gives strict warning about teenage girls being friends with non-Muslims

Sheikh Mohamad Doar has given out strict warnings to Muslim teenagers

He told them being friends with people outside their faith will land them in hell

The Islamic teacher also told them eyebrow plucking is a grave offence before Allah

These was made known at the Saturday night forum organized by Muslim Charity Sisters United

An Islamic Sheikh identified as Mohamad Doar has caused a spark with the intense lecture he had with some girls in Sydney. The Sheikh told the girls point blank that being friends with non-believers would make them go to hell

He told the girls that they have to stop being friends with Non-Muslims to avoid going to hell. The lecture which covered Islamic fashion and grooming also had the Sheikh talking about the habit of plucking eyebrows. He told the girls that it was a major sin before Allah.

“The reality is, my sisters, any friendship that is not built on the fear of Allah is only going to lead to hell fire so you need to be cautious,” he said.

Sheikh Mohamad Doar while lecturing the Muslim girls on the need to stay away from non believers.
Sheikh Doar is a part of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah Association; he went further by telling the girls that waxing their bodies or shaving is a sin as Allah can curse women that do so.

Sheikh Doar while giving the Muslim girls a lecture.

“You are not allowed the remove the hair of the eyebrow, it's a major sin,” he said.

He also told the girls they needed to wear their hijabs loose and with no bright or colorful patterns.

Muslim women were encouraged to wear hijabs that are loose and plain.
"It cannot be see-through showing skin. The hijab needs to be as plain as possible," he said.

"It cannot be an imitation of the disbeliever's dress code. It cannot be attracting to the eye. It cannot resemble the dress of men. It can't be a showing-off cloth."

The Sheikh knew this would cause the non-Muslims to criticize them thus, he warned them about what the world may see or think of them in advance. He said other Muslims and kafirs, a sharia-law term for non-believers, may be against them.

Most of the doctrines being propelled by the Sheik were basically things that would be rejected by haters of Sharia law. Sheikh Feiz Muhammed had said earlier that Muslims should not attend events like New Year eve’s celebration.


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