Saturday, 6 May 2017

7-year-old disabled girl shows off her new leg for the first time

Seven-year-old girl is mobbed by her friends after she acquires new leg

Little Anu’s left leg was amputated shortly after she was born

Ever since, she has been wearing prosthetic leg every day

This was, however, the 1st time she had bespoke pink sports blade made for her

It was a heartwarming moment when Little Anu from Shirley, Birmingham, showed off her brand new prosthetic blade to her fellow schoolmates for the first time.

The youngster walked into the school playground in her new pink sports blade that had been made specifically for her. Her friends, on seeing the cheerful looking Anu, surrounded and embraced her with hugs.

“Is that your new pink leg?” one of the pupils inquired. “Wow!” another one exclaimed on seeing Anu’s pink prosthetic blade.

Anu, seven, walks into the playground at her school for the first time in her new pink sports blade.
The other kids surrounded her, even as one hugged and squeezed her with love.

Anu’s leg was reportedly amputated shortly after she was born. Ever since, she has been wearing a prosthetic leg. But this was the first time she had a leg that she truly loved.

One adorable little girl throws her arms around Anu in a big hug and another asks if it’s her ‘new pink leg’.
The little girl’s joy could be seen in her face, as she jumped up and down and danced in the playground along with her kind and loving friends.

Anu loves street dancing and says her new bespoke leg means she can do that much faster now.
“It makes me run faster and it makes me do my street dancing faster. It has the sock to make it comfortable,” she reportedly said.

In a reported published by the Telegraph, Anu’s blade was made after NHS raised Euro 1.5 million (N513m) to help a group of 500 children get new sports prosthetics.

Anu also reportedly received support from the West Midland rehabilitation center.

The cute little girl then runs away to show off her new blade as the class quickly follow.
Footage of her celebrating her new leg was posted on twitter and shared over thousand times as people reacted with kind words for the girl.

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