Monday 7 August 2017

Uproar as three year old boy is shot dead by MP’s security

Ache Mohamed Ali shortly after the burial of his son Mohamed Ache who was killed by a stray bullet on Saturday. Residents are blaming the security detail of Mathare MP Steve Kariuki. [David Njaga, Standard]
A three-year-old boy was shot dead in unclear circumstances after bodyguards of a sitting city MP tried to disperse a crowd.

The boy, Mohamed Ache, succumbed to his injuries after a bullet penetrated the right side of his chest, stopping inches from his heart.

He was rushed to the nearest hospital in attempts to save his life, but was pronounced dead on arrival. Residents are blaming Mathare MP Steve Kariuki whose bodyguards are said to be behind the shooting.

The incident that took place at Kiamaiko Ward on Saturday at 3pm sparked protests yesterday.

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At the time of the incident, the MP was on the final lap of his campaign to retain his seat.

According to witness accounts, one of the bodyguards, only referred to as ‘Oti’, is said to have brandished a gun to scare away youths who had mobbed the MP during his campaign tour.

“I do not know what exactly happened when he (the bodyguard) bent, but as he rose, one of the youths held back his arm and the gun went off hitting the boy,” said Wario Ali Jarso, a witness.

Wario, who claims he was standing with the MP at the time of the incident, said the bodyguard had two guns with him. One of the guns was later identified as Kariuki’s at Pangani Police Station later that night, according to a police source.

Wario claimed he was harassed when he went to record a statement at Pangani’s DCIO’s office.

He said at the station, he demanded to know why the bodyguard’s guns were confiscated and returned to armoury, but their details were not recorded.

Grieving father

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“But the officer told me that was not my job and it was not my place to know,” said Wario.

Before the gun shot, Wario said one of the youths was allegedly assaulted by some of the MP’s bodyguards as he struggled to get to the MP. Other officers some who had AK-47 rifles started shooting in the air to disperse the crowd.

“By the time I lifted the boy to rush him to the hospital he was already dead,” said Wario. This was confirmed on arrival at Huruma Nursing Home.

The boy’s father, Ache Mohamed Ali, said he was at the mosque when he got a call from his wife.

“All I want is justice for my son,” said a grieving Ache during the son’s burial ceremony at Kariokor cemetery. Nairobi Police boss Japheth Koome confirmed the incident, saying they are investigating.

“It has been claimed it was accidental but others think otherwise,” said Koome.

Efforts to reach the MP were futile as he did not respond to texts or calls.

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