Sunday, 20 August 2017

Terrifying Moment a Child Escaped Being Killed by a 10ft Python Hiding Under His Bed After Killing Family Cat (Photos)

Footage shows the angry snake biting Nattapon Boonmee, the animal handler, after rescuers arrived to help remove it from its hiding place

This is the terrifying moment a mother found a 10ft long python hiding under her son's bed after it killed the family cat.

Thanapoom Lekyen, 42, said the serpent slithered into her home through a window last Thursday night in Chachoengsao, Thailand.

She found the dead kitten outside below the window ledge before running from the room in terror when she saw shiny scales under the mattress.

Her son Nong, 13, who normally sleeps in the room, had fallen asleep in her bedroom the evening before - which she said saved him from almost certainly being bitten by the snake.

Hair-raising footage shows the angry snake biting the animal handler after rescuers arrived to help remove it from its hiding place.

Nattapon Boonmee from the Chachoengsao Voluntary Rescue spent 15 minutes using a pole and lasso to catch the snake before it bit his hand as he battled to subdue it outside the room.

He said: 'The snake was average size but very, very aggressive. My hand was bleeding from where it bit me just a little bit.  A more powerful bite and an attack from a (snake) like this would be very, very dangerous.'

Rescuers eventually put the snake inside a canvas bag and released it back into the wild unharmed.

Ms Lekyen said: 'I woke up in the morning and saw the dead cat outside with bite marks on it. Then I knew there was a problem and I shivered and my stomach was feeling sick. I was scared. I looked in my son's bedroom and screamed when I saw something moving under the bed. I think about what might have happened and cry.'

She added that Nong must have had a 'guardian angel' watching over him. He fell asleep with her and she decided to let him stay in that room instead of going to his normal room.

Ms Lekyen said: 'The snake came in through his window. If he was sleeping in the bed, he's only small and it could have killed him.'

Source: DailyMail

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