Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Oh No! Woman's New Breast Implants Explode After Horrific Car Crash Leaving Her in Terrible Condition (Photos)

Becky Bitchenor was left in serious agony after the implant exploded

A young mum has told how her breast implants burst in a horror crash, The Sun UK has reported. The woman identified as Becky Bitchenor, 25, was a back-seat passenger in the car crushed between two other vehicles.

She revealed that the force of the impact left her in agony after stitches from recent breast implant surgery tore open. Becky, a part-time model, suffered whiplash and slipped discs. She is still suffering three weeks after the collision in Gloucester.

The former McDonald’s customer care assistant from Quedgeley, Glos., was in hospital for 13 days and is still unable to walk unaided.
Becky said: “I have slipped discs and whiplash and I have to use a walking stick and zimmer-frame.

“My recent breast implant surgery completely opened during the crash so I had to have an operation to fix that.
“I had to wait three days while they were completely open and bleeding.
“I had to stay in hospital without being able to see my son.
“It’s been a very emotional journey, I have not been able to sleep at night due to nightmares.
“This has really affected me.”

She also suffered serious cuts to her head and bruising and swelling both inside and outside of her body.
“I’m currently on the list for physio as my right leg shakes when I walk and is completely numb,” she added.

The five-car crash happened on July 14 between Broadway Lane in Cirencester and Rock And Fountain Lane in Westbury-on-Severn, on the A48.

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