Monday, 21 August 2017

Busted: Biology Teacher Exposed After Having S*x With 16-year-old Student (Photo)

Aimee Palmitessa

Aimee Palmitessa, a 45-year-old female biology teacher at a private school in Los Angeles attended by the kids of Hollywood stars has been accused of having s*x with a 16-year-old student.

According to The Sun UK, the Brentwood School teacher was arrested on Friday and charged with statutory rape – unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor – according to Los Angeles Police spokesman Tony Im.

Palmitessa teaches biology at the private school, one of LA’s most expensive at up to £32,000 a year, the Los Angeles Times reported.

She has a PhD. in biochemistry and molecular biology and previously taught at Penn State Abington, a university in Pennsylvania.

The school – whose former students include Hollywood actor Jonah Hill and Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine – released a statement from head  Mike Riera on its website.

It said: “On Friday afternoon, the Los Angeles Police Department informed Brentwood School that Upper School teacher, Dr. Aimee Palmitessa, had been arrested on suspicion of inappropriate relations with a student and is expected to face charges.
“The LAPD did not share additional information with us, such as the nature of the inappropriate relationship or the identity of the minor student.
“We were shocked and distressed to receive the news of these allegations. As always, our primary concern is the safety, health, and well-being of our students.
“To that end, we will do everything we can to cooperate with the official police investigation.”

Her partner, Vincent Bruzzese, 53, told MailOnline: “I know nothing about this. I have no comment.”

Current students of the elite school include the son of Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart and Reese Witherspoon’s daughter Ava, 17, according to the Mail.

Palmitessa posted bail of $230,000 and has been released.

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