Wednesday, 5 July 2017

After 17 years of waiting excited Nigerian lady gets US citizenship (photos)

A Nigerian citizen who has waited for seventeen years to become an American citizen finally got her wish fulfilled

July 4th thus became a memorable day for the Nigerian lady

A Nigerian lady identified as Juliet Chinwe Caren-Oriaku has been made a US citizen despite waiting for seventeen years. This happened on Tuesday, July 4 which doubles as the American independence day.

The pretty Nigerian lady who had always wished to become an American citizen was ecstatic when her citizenship was confirmed after a naturalization ceremony held at George Washington’s Mount Vernon home in Virginia.

The Nigerian lady was among the hundred foreign nationals from over forty countries confirmed in Virginia on Tuesday.

Nigerian lady gets confirmed as US citizen on American independence day. Source: Laila's blog.

About fifteen thousand foreign nationals got their American citizenship on Tuesday, July 4 2017. Over sixty ceremonies were held for the nationals to be confirmed.

Caren-Oriaku was one of the hundred foreign nationals confirmed at Virginia on July 4. Source: Laila's blog)

Congratulations to her!

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