Thursday, 18 May 2017

Pastor makes doomsday prophecy of World War 3 and NUCLEAR holocaust (photo, video)

A US pastor claims World War 3 is imminent

He says the US will be annihilated by a nuclear war

He used the Bible to make his prophecy

A pastor in California has made a dramatic claim that the US is about to be wiped off the surface of the earth in a nuclear holocaust.

Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship, believes that since the US is the world’s preeminent superpower, it will be targeted before the Biblical return of Christ.

The chief instigator of this World War III doomsday scenario, Laurie claims, will be North Korea and Iran.

Pastor Greg Laurie believes World War III is imminent

Laurie quoted John Bolton, former US ambassador to the United Nations, who he said indicated how easy it would be for Iran to potentially acquire nuclear bombs from North Korea.

In fact, it would be as easy as writing a check and receiving it the next day, he claimed.

However, Laurie’s claims have been met with a pinch of salt at best and some derision at worst.

Many have pointed to literally dozens of similar end-of-times prophecies made in the past that have, well, gone failed the test of time.

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