Thursday, 4 May 2017

Australian woman gives birth at 61

An Australian woman gave birth at 61

She received much criticism from the hospital staff where she had the baby girl

She says she feels taken aback by the harsh treatment she received

A 61-year-old woman who recently gave birth to her first child, admitted she has faced harsh criticism, and feels let down.

Shammi Pal’s daughter Angel was born in September 2016, from a donor sperm and egg. She now fears her baby could be taken away from her.

“I've been condemned and looked at as the biggest mistake I have ever done. What have I done to deserve this treatment? I've only become a mum like everybody else does,” she said in a recent interview.

Pal with her daughter Angel.

Pal, who lives in Melbourne, Australia, defends her decision:“They thought you could be sick in the head to be having a baby at this age, or really silly,” she commented, adding that she and her husband, Lucas Arora, are perfectly capable of taking care of their baby.

She made it clear she is a healthy, physically fit and educated woman, as well as with strong financial and mental stability.

Right before giving birth.

Pal was delivered of her baby at Melbourne's Mercy Hospital, where medical staff started telling her she was too old, and at first did not want to hand over her baby girl.

The Victorian Department of Health and Human Services defended itself, claiming Pal’s age was not a factor. They had simply responded to a routinary welfare report.

Melbourne's Mercy Hospital.

Pal and Arora had tried to conceive through IVF treatment before, to no avail. Dr Mehul Damani was the 'wizard' physician who helped ensure that Pal carried Angel to term.

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