Monday 17 April 2017

Woman gives birth to 4 babies at once, but they're unusual quadruplets

When Nebraska, US mom Sabrina Negus gave birth to four babies at once, her doctors had another surprise for her: Her boys weren't quadruplets!

Sabrina Negus gave birth to four healthy baby boys earlier this year. But although Logan, Mason, Porter and Connor were born on the same day and from the same mom, they’re not your usual quadruplets.

Happy family

In a typical quadruplet pregnancy, there are four eggs, one for each baby. But in the case of the Negus brothers, three of the boys — identical triplets who shared one placenta — developed from one egg, while the fourth boy, Connor, developed separately.

“Sabrina’s pregnancy was one in a million,” Negus’ perinatologist Dr. Todd Lovgren told the Omaha World-Herald in January after the foursome’s birth. “In fact, there have been fewer than 100 pregnancies of this type reported in the United States.”

Big guys

Negus says her ultra-rare pregnancy came as quite a surprise to her and her husband, Lucas. They had initially expected twins but discovered the foursome during an ultrasound.

“I was a little shocked,” said Negus, who had undergone fertility treatments after several years of trying for a baby.

From that point on, Negus’ pregnancy became high-risk. She was hospitalized for 11 weeks before doctors decided to deliver the foursome early out of concern for the babies’ health.

With the help of 33 members of medical staff in two operating rooms, the four boys were born on Jan. 8 by cesarean section at 31 1/2 weeks. To Negus’ delight, her sons were screaming when they emerged.

Adorable boys
The Negus family has been enjoying the incredible progress their boys have made in the past six months.

New daddy Lucas said, "Everybody with kids always says they grow fast and enjoy. And, man!" Sounds like he realizes just how quickly his boys' are growing and changing. This is beautiful right?


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