Saturday, 2 September 2017

CHEWING GUM: The good, the bad and ugly consequences you must know

Chewing-gum, a fun chewy household name is a product you would most likely find in the pockets and bags of people of all ages and sexes across the globe.

Dating as far back as the Neolithic period, this confection comes in a variety of flavors (ranging from mint to fruit flavors… and even licorice!), and has a long history in many countries.

Unlike many candies which contain sugar and can wear down a person’s enamel and teeth without continual brushing, dental professionals say some gum types have been created to have helpful properties, and can be a benefit to overall tooth care.

Whether done mindlessly while working, driving, just sitting in class or jiving, chewing gum is still en vogue today and opinions about it abound.

One of the most apparent effects of chewing mint gum is the instant fresh breath that it provides. A good mint flavored gum can help to get rid of those foul smelling bacterium that live inside your mouth, replacing them with a much more pleasant smell (as well as making for a better first impression on a first date or job interview).

Loveth Onuigbo Chiamaka, a University of Lagos student who visited The Daily Times office in Lagos, acknowledged that, whether we chose to admit it or not, keeping your mouth shut for a long time would produce a not-too-pleasant odour, even if you had brushed your teeth beforehand.

This would irritate and annoy people when you speak and they would think you are a dirty person who does not brush his or her teeth. Therefore I always chew mint gum when I am conversing with people.”

Hygienic benefits
Chiamaka’s opinion confirms report of a research by the Health Site, which suggests that, maintaining a good oral hygiene is a must for everyone; and chewing our favorite sugar-free gum can prevent tooth decay as it cleans up leftover food on the tooth surface, thereby increasing saliva production which cleanses the oral cavity and teeth.

Lagos financial analyst, Yoseni Oluwatosi, contributing to the discourse, revealed that chewing gum helps her to relieve hunger.

“I feel satisfied and don’t feel the need to eat when I chew the gum; it also helps me curb other feelings like nausea. I cannot stand the smell from public buses as they make me feel nauseous, so I take on chewing gum as my remedy,” she disclosed.

A study conducted at Louisiana State University, showed that people who chewed gum after eating lunch had less food cravings later in the day and generally crave less for sweats.

To others like Veronica Dailu, a receptionist in Lagos, chewing gum is key to keeping her alert. “When I feel sleepy, tired and weak at work, all I need is chewing gum to bounce me back to life.”

Blood flow booster
A United Kingdom based 2009 study among several others recently suggests that chewing gum can boost your mood while combating stress, tension and high blood pressure.

According to Dr. Andrew Scholey, co-author of that 2009 paper and director of the Centre for Human Psychopharmacology at Australia’s Swinburne University, “There is evidence that chewing gum increases blood flow to the brain by 25 to 40 percent.

That boost will last for about 20 minutes, but that’s enough to wake your brain up and get ready for the day. This may contribute to the increase in alertness that is consistently associated with gum chewing.”

A junior high (SS3) student in Fortuneland College notes some other “silly benefits” that accruing from chewing gum. “One of them is the excitement you get from the bubbles and the crispy sound you get when you chew.

Also, chewing gum makes you look cool in front of peers.” She explained that as a “Soft looking person, I often get bullied by peers.

But when I chew gum, I look tough and no one dares to bully me!” she said, suggesting that one of the reasons why teenagers become addicted to chewing gum is to curb boredom and look tough.

Addiction, headaches and pain
Against this backdrop, a general medical practitioner at the Agboola hospital in Iju-Hills, Lagos, Dr

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