Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Shocker: How Three Men Blackmailed 14-year-old Girl Into Oral S*x By Threatening to Leak S*x Tape

She was allegedly raped by Alexander on three occasions (Picture: Central News)

Three men blackmailed a schoolgirl into performing s*xual favours by threatening her with a s*x tape, a court heard.

Mickelle Alexander and Tommy Kitchenside, both 20, and Faustein Riley, 19, allegedly abused the girl after Alexander obtained compromising video footage involving the teen.

Alexander threatened to put the film ‘all over social media’ unless she had s*x with him, jurors heard.

Inner London Crown Court was then told that the 14-year-old was later made to perform s*x acts on the trio and r*ped by Alexander on three occasions.

Alexander, Kitchenside, and Riley, who is not before the court, are variously charged with 14 s*xual offences.

Prosecutor David Harounoff said the girl came from a ‘troubled background’, often running away from the foster homes she lived in.

He said: ‘On 31 May 2016, she went missing and the police took the view that this was “high risk missing”.’

She was found a day later after police launched an investigation to trace her.

A foster carer later retrieved an item of the girl’s underwear from her laundry basket and gave them to police, who discovered intimate samples belonging to Alexander, jurors heard.

Mr Harounoff added: ‘How it got there will be the submissions to you by the prosecution.’

The girl told police she knew Alexander from the Worcester Park area of south London and met him through a friend.

She had stayed over at his house one time she went missing, but they didn’t have sex.

‘She said he was nice to her and used to look after her,’ Mr Harounoff said.

The girl later admitted she had sex with Alexander at an address in Mitcham where she had met his friend Tommy.

‘A video was taken by someone which shows her giving oral sex to another person,’ said Mr Harounoff.

‘She said Mr Alexander had gotten hold of the video and made her perform oral sex on him, and she said she had sex with him.’

In interview with police, she said her relationship with Alexander had quickly developed after he asked for her number and suggested they meet up.

She told Alexander, who said he was 18 or 19, she could bunk off school to see him at his or Kitchenside’s home, jurors heard.

‘He must have known her age,’ said Mr Harounoff.

‘She says when she went round there they were drinking vodka and she says Mr Alexander showed her the video then said if she didn’t do stuff with him he would put that video on social media.
‘I don’t think there will be any dispute that this video exists – the dispute will be whether Mr Alexander blackmailed and threatened her.
‘She said Mr Alexander was fine on his own but his demeanour would change when he was with Kitchenside and Riley.
‘She said there was no s*xual activity with Mr Alexander until she saw the video.
‘He told her “this is a way for me to get you to do stuff for me now”.
‘He asked her to give him a blow job and she said she had no choice because he said he would put the video all over social media.
‘He then said she had to do this for his mates.’
The girl said she initially refused to have sex with Alexander but relented after he said ‘what about the video?’, jurors were told.

She asked him if his friends had seen the video and Alexander said they hadn’t, the court heard.

‘She said she had oral sex with Mr Kitchenside and Mr Riley,’ said Mr Harounoff.

In June, she had s*x with Alexander, jurors were told.

‘When she describes it, you will have no doubt that it wasn’t consensual,’ said Mr Harounoff.

‘She says she was feeling like crap.’

When he was arrested Alexander said he didn’t know the girl involved and had been in a long-term relationship until October.

He said he had no idea how his DNA got on the teenager’s underwear because he hadn’t slept with anyone but his partner during that time.

Alexander later admitted he knew the complainant but said she instigated the sexual activity.

He said he didn’t think his friend Riley knew h

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