Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Mom gives birth to huge baby weighing 7.2kg in the US

An Indiana mother has given birth to a baby weighing 7.2kg

The baby also measured 62.2cm (24.5in) long

He was born on May 1

A mother in Indiana, US, has given birth to one of the biggest babies ever born in the state.

Waylon Cole Hallett weighed a massive 7.2kg and measured 62.2cm (24.5in) when he was born via c-section on May 1 at the Schneck Medical Center in Seymour.

He is now home and doing well after spending seven weeks in hospital for breathing and feeding problems.

Waylon was born weighing 7.2kg
At seven weeks, Waylon now weighs 7.7kg, the same as an average six-month-old toddler.

His proud dad, Edmond Hallett, said in an interview: "The doctors and nurses were like, 'Oh my God!' We ended up weighing him three times because no one could believe he actually weighed [7.2kg]. At first I thought maybe the scale was broken."

Waylon and his mother Whitney
Edmond added: "He sleeps a lot more than our other babies did, but he’s healthy. When he’s awake, he’s alert and smiles. He’s a happy boy."

The biggest newborn ever recorded was a baby in Ohio born at 9.9kg in 1879 according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

Waylon is back home after spending seven weeks in hospital


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