Monday, 12 June 2017

Genius little boy constructs Biafra-themed TRICYCLE with bare hands (photos)

A young boy has shocked Nigerians after he constructed a Biafra themed tricycle also known as Keke Napep all by himself. came across the invention of the unidentified boy after a video of him showing off his invention surfaced online.

It is already an established fact that young Nigerians are talented people, everywhere you go they are either constructing or creating something new. recently shared the story of a young boy who constructed a stadium.

A Facebook user, Emmauel Kelechi Emma, who was impressed with the boy’s Biafra themed invention, shared it on his page.

Genius little boy constructs Biafra-themed car with bare hands

He said: “Still wondering how this little boy can construct this without any machine. just imagine.”

In the video shared by the Facebook user, the boy could be seen holding the Keke Napep as people gathered around to admire and take photos his invention.

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