Friday, 26 May 2017

Suspected witch crash-lands near church in Zimbabwe

A suspected witch was caught after she reportedly crash-landed at night while flying on a 'winnowing basket' near an Apostolic sect church.

The suspected witch, was said to have fallen off her winnowing basket near a shrine at the Gwatinyanya village in Zvishavane, Zimbabwe.

The unnamed woman was supposedly on 'night duty' and naked when she fell, thereby drawing the attention of a small crowd.

A Good Samaritan however covered her up as the size of the crowd increased steadily with the spread of the news.

The suspected witch was accused of bringing misfortune to the village
As villagers gathered to see and take pictures of the supposed witch, an onlooker who gave her name as Sandra Shumba, said the woman was blamed for the poverty afflicting the villagers.

“I heard people in the neighbourhood shouting that there was a witch who was naked and I ran there to see for myself. People called her names, some were saying she was bewitching people in the village. They blamed all the village poverty on her and some even suggested stoning her. One man blamed the woman for his wife’s death.

Seeing that she was about to be attacked by angry villagers, she pretended to be mad and she started crying. People were quick to realise that she was pulling a stunt by shedding crocodile tears."

The size of the crowd caused a major traffic jam as more passers-by wanted to see what was going on. However, a lady pleaded that no mob action should be carried out on the lady, asking that she should be taken to the village head, Chief Mapanzure, instead.

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