Sunday, 23 April 2017

See How A 34yrs Old Boy Allegedly Raped His Mother To Death In Enugu

Junior A student Of Esut and A Suspected Cultist Allegedly Raped His Mother To Death In Enugu Which Always Led To His Death
Read What A Facebook User Wrote After The Cut;

See How A 34Yrs Old Boy Allegedly Raped His Mother To Death In Enugu
What a world .. Shameful Death! This young man you see his picture on the wall, his name was late xtrain ndubisi junior also our active member and a student of esut,he died last night, according to the news he raped his mummy unfortunately he couldn't escape immaculately. .. not knowing their neighbour heard the woman's voice. ..shouting my son what have I done to you.
So after some few minutes from that very moment they heard no sound nor human voice
Not knowing this very young man of 34yrs old raped his mum to death
After the street guy investigated what really happen according to him mean the guy on the wall. ..He said nothing. .y his neighbour was expecting him to say exactly what happen to his mum. they waited he couldn't
Along same process. ..His school mate that's knows his wear about. gave informations that this very guy was among the occult member that do kill a lot of people when ever the school have misunderstanding. ...They
rocked him after they gone through verifications and killed him. ....
May God have mercy on him. ..and Rest his soul perfectly. .... R.I.P ndubuisi junior
More of his pictures below

Source; Ojinaka Odinaka

More Details here>>>

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