Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Religious leaders condemn pastor who burned bibles

A Ugandan pastor burned thousands of Bibles on April 17 following claims that they were misleading his congregation

He claimed those particular versions of the Bible had the words "Holy Ghost" more times than they did "Holy Spirit"

However, several religious leaders have condemned his action

Several religious leaders in Uganda have come out to strongly condemn a pastor who burned Bibles on April 17 in Makerere.

Pastor Aloysius Bugingo of House of Prayer Ministries reportedly burned King James and Good News versions of the Bible because they contained the words "Holy Ghost" more times than they did "Holy Spirit."

Pastor Bugingo therefore termed these versions "misleading.

Pastor Aloysius Bugingo

However, pastor Bugingo's fellow religious leaders have slammed his action as “stupid,” “ignorant” and “intolerant.”

Bishop David Kiganda of the Christianity Focus Centre said pastor Bugingo should have solicited for advice before committing his ill-advised act.

The Bibles just before they were set ablaze
Robert Mutyaba of the Bible Readers Network said: “It is at such times that my heart sinks for the ignorant followers who even don’t read their Bibles but rely on listening to their pastors. An undiscipled Christian is a dangerous one!”

Father John Mungereza, the parish priest of Our Lady of Africa Mbuya Church, added that burning the Bibles signified pastor Bugingo's intolerance and ignorance.

The majority of religious leaders agreed that the phrases "Holy Ghost" and "Holy Spirit" are one and the same.

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