Sunday, 30 April 2017

Nigerian man scams, dumps American wife after obtaining green card (photos)

Not just in Nollywood, a Nigerian man identified as Inyang Obateh Ettah but popularly known as, Tony Ettah has been reported by his American wife, Deborah Hendrickson for scamming and dumping her.

Inyang Ettah when he got married to Deborah Hendrickson.

Deborah Hendrickson further revealed that, Tony Ettah had left her after he was able to obtain his American visa (green card). Adding that, the man had admitted using her and accused her of constantly saying negative words towards him.

The woman who released an official statement online as she threatened to report him to Donald Trump saying:

“I don't know where to start . . . I guess I'll start with meeting Inyang Obaten Ettah, AKA Tony Ettah back in June 2010, we met through a friend of mine named, Charles. I've been visiting Nigeria since 2008, had an NGO there (Open Arms International) that never really got started, I know lots of people in Nigeria, Rich & Poor. I thought I was savvy when it came to the Romance Scammers, the 419ers, but, I was not prepared for how Inyang Obaten Ettah PLAYED ME, yes, I did inquire about Inyang via Charles, Charles vouched for Inyang's authenticity (so HE THOUGHT) because Charles knew Inyang for 10 years (at that time - June 2010), there is where it began

Inyang Ettah and Deborah in the United States of America (USA)
As Inyang and I began conversing, we discussed the difference in Age and the fact that I could not have any children, Inyang response was "It doesn't matter because God said you are my Wife and I had made up in my mind that however God sent my wife, that is how I would ACCEPT her." He shared with me how many women in his church (Faith Tabernacle AKA Winners, David Oyedepo is Pastor) cannot have children, and some are even older than their husbands, but, they still married and are still married today (was referring up to that moment he made that statement). He even shared how his Auntie is in the exact situation (no Child(ren), yet she and her husband are STILL TOGETHER (at that time August 2010).

Anyway, I visited Inyang December 2010 (6 months after officially meeting). I was in Nigeria for 21 days, the entire time Inyang was the Perfect Host, he took me everywhere, introduced me to EVERYONE, family, friends, enemies, church associates, he even took me to church at Winners' Chapel, Canaan Land, Ota Nigeria; Inyang was so active at Winners, he volunteered as Security (Bus & Church), he pretty much, so I THOUGHT lived in church, always talking about God (to me), he told me how he attended Pre-Marital classes at Winners because he wanted to Prepare to be an EXCELLENT HUSBAND to ME, he had me FOOLED, he was the World's Greatest Pretender.”

Read full details HERE.

Nigerian men and their smart brains sha!

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