Friday, 21 April 2017

Nigerian Lecturers Are Still Using Old Methods To Teach - NACOSS

Well, I strongly believe that one of the greatest challenge in Nigeria System of education,especially in the Technology world is lack of conducive environment. I always make an advocacy that, IT innovation parks should be sighted at least in each geopolitical zone. It’s well known that if you train accounting students, you build financial institutions, if you train medical personnel’s you build medical facilities and training centres , then if we see the importance of IT in Nigeria there should be need for Innovation Centres, China of today started from somewhere and Nigeria Can start from somewhere. Let there be an innovation Centre, some technologies that is new to us today are already outdated in some countries, because there’s is no supportive research centres. The curriculum need serious attention, majority of the higher institutions are still offering some “outdated” courses and they have refused to upgrade. It’s hard for you to see a computer science graduate from especially public institution with a specialization, either in Digital Marketing, Networks, Hardware, Graphics, software engineering, etc. and every academic session over 10,000 (Ten thousand) Computer Science Students graduates from one higher institution or the other, the big question remains. Which company/firms are ready to absorb these graduates?, which innovation center in Nigeria can breed this fresh graduates?. Imagine what this country would turn to be if only 1/10 of these fresh graduates are actually useful to the IT industry. This country will build a silicon valley soon.

Well, it’s a big mystery, but the truth has to be said, there is nothing like a computer lab or research lab, talk more facilities of lab with internet connection for research work. I could remember the first time I entered a room that has a few dilapidated system was in my second year when we went for CSC 201 lecture and after that day there was nothing like a practical class again. It’s really embarrassing and I strongly believe this is also applicable to higher institutions in Nigeria. With my Position as the National President I have received lots of complaints about IT students complaining of issues of poor computer laboratories and practical courses, although we have limited intervention to this issues, but we as a body have tried to collaborate with many ICT training centres to organize very subsidised fees to up to 70% discount just to make sure that our members don’t come out of the higher institution half baked.

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