Sunday, 30 April 2017

Mortuary attendant takes pictures with dead bodies, shares it on Facebook (photos)

A mortuary attendant has shocked Nigerians on Facebook after he shared photos he took with dead bodies

The attendant who lives in Enugu state expressed that he shared the shocking photos because he was performing an experiment

A Nigerian mortuary attendant identified as, Val Don-zima, has shared photos of himself with dead bodies at a morgue in Enugu state.

We came across the shocking post after the mortuary attendant posted it on his Facebook page

In the post, the Enugu-based man expressed that the purpose of the post was because he was carrying out some experiments.

Mortuary attendant takes pictures with dead bodies, shares it on Facebook
He wrote: "Caring out some experiment"

Mortuary attendant takes pictures with dead bodies
Some Nigerians on Facebook were furious to see the photos, they said the act was unprofessional.


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