Benefits of Modern Office Design to Nigerian Employees
Reasons you should have an innovative workspace
As an employer, when choosing and designing your office or workspace for your employees, you should settle for something that would be beneficial to your brand, your employees and your company culture.
Times have changed. The workforce has evolved. Your employees are no longer individuals who can be optimally productive in cubicles.
Today, more employers are embracing modern office designs than ever
A study of the impact of poor office design on productivity has shown that certain designs reduce the capacity of employees to be truly productive.
Companies with a high creative flair in the design of their offices end up fulfilling the workplace needs of their employees. This translates into an increased level of productivity and happiness of employees.
Improves health
Office designs that do not take things like ventilation and lighting into consideration have the potential to reduce the lifespan of your employees. Modern office designs focus more on natural lighting, better air quality and ergonomic spaces that help employees get out of confined spaces.
Attracts new talent
The population of millennials in the workplace is on the rise. Millennials are not employees you can have working from cubicles or an enclosed workspace if you desire to get the best out of them. However, if your office is designed to have open spaces and the ergonomics of modern designs, your employees and brand will benefit greatly.
An impressive office design is a sign that, as an employer, you pay attention to the needs of your employees. One of the good things about this is that the word will spread about how cool your office space is and this will get the attention of new talents on the lookout for only the best places to work.
Promotes company’s core values
Your office design should be a reflection of your organisational culture. To promote your organisation as one with top-notch culture, the workspace of your employees should be one of the things that communicate this. More companies in Nigeria are beginning to opt for the fun and casual office vibe that comes with most modern office designs. Consider painting some of the walls in your office in brand colours.
Better communication
Modern office designs promote better communication and more team collaboration among your employees. Confining workers to their cubicles does not engender teamwork. Open floor spaces, which is one of the characteristics of modern office designs makes it easier for your employees to bond. This sort of bonding cuts across several departments within your organisation. In other words, it brings about a new kind of ‘connectedness’ and interaction among employees.
Brings flexibility
Modern office designs bring a lot of flexibility to the workspace. Consider designing your office in a way that there is no rigidity as to what specific spaces are used for. For instance, meeting rooms can be used as a quiet space by your employees. This is crucial because there are employees who prefer to work without being disturbed at certain times of the day. Meanwhile, the personal office space of your employees can be used for meetings. Your sitting arrangement during meetings does not have to show any form of hierarchy.
Reduces stress and anxiety
Having plants within the office space is one of the characteristics of a modern office design. Plants serve both physical and psychological purposes for your employees. For instance, it keeps the air in the office clean. Plants also help you reduce the noise level in your office and increase your employee’s’ concentration level.
Your office space should be open, friendly and should be designed the maximise efficiency and productive collaboration among employees.
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